Tuesday, 2 September 2008

Post Script

In passing, MCC mentioned that her 'AVOD' had not worked during the return flight and that the crew had been unable to get it going again. I must have missed her experiencing the problem as I was in the land of Nod. She hadn’t been overly inconvenienced by it but, at 08:50am, I emailed BA from their website whilst logged on to the free WiFi in the Concorde Room at Heathrow.
There was an auto response at 08:53am and then, in the car driving home from Newcastle, the phone rang and a lovely lady calling ‘on behalf of Willie Walsh’ asked to speak to MCC. They had a short conversation and, when we got home, a very generous addition of BA Miles were sitting in MCC’s account. She, and I, were VERY impressed at this superb example of service recovery. Such a pity that the service failure still hasn’t been resolved yet, although I do wonder whether Rockwell Collins are receiving a monthly bill for all these miles.

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